My 2023 Journey in Tech: From Pharmacy to Data Science

The year 2023 has been quite a ride, especially as I ventured into the tech world. As someone who is trying to make a career pivot into data science from a medical background, I have always felt like all I needed was a chance, and I was determined to make the most of it.

Outreachy Internship

The year started off truly in March when I got selected as one of the many Outreachy applicants vying for a position as an Intern with Bokeh. You see, it was my third shot at it, having reached the contribution phase in the previous two attempts. This time, I was determined to draw lessons from my past experience, give it my all and make sure that whatever happens afterwards, I know it was not because I didn’t do my best. Fortunately for me, I got the only spot available in the Bokeh project and that effectively kick-started my journey into tech. I shared my start and end experiences here1 and here2.

Post Internship

As the internship was wrapping up in August, I spent time talking to different people in the tech ecosystem to have an idea of what it takes to succeed in their chosen careers. These conversations spanned various subjects such as their roles, skill sets, motivations and stories. It gave me insights into where I wanted my journey to go.

Post-internship, I kept contributing to Bokeh and applied for a Small Development Grant with NumFocus – the fiscal sponsor of Bokeh. This grant will facilitate Bokeh tutorial workshops across three cities in Nigeria, empowering aspiring data scientists and guiding them in contributing to Open Source projects like Bokeh.

Beyond Contributions: Sharing Knowledge

In addition to my contributions to Bokeh and preparations for the workshops, I participated as a guest in Data Science Sundays—an online event hosted by @iPablo26 where I shared personal insights with aspiring data scientists. My sessions involved delving into my tech journey, imparting lessons on git and GitHub, and previewing my upcoming workshop series.

Looking Forward

There are many more opportunities I have applied using my internship and Bokeh experience as leverage and I’m hoping 2024 is the year many of them yield the desired results. Apart from the Bokeh workshops kicking off in January 2024, and I’m also gearing up for a project with another data visualization library starting in 2024 as well.

For me, the Outreachy internship was the key to the door, and I am resolute in making the most of this opportunity. My journey involves a continuous commitment to Open Source, skill refinement, and the pursuit of new knowledge. As I apply for opportunities aligned with my goals as a data scientist, one thing is clear—I’m only just getting started!


  1. Read more about my internship experience
  2. Check out insights from the culmination of my internship
  3. Learn Python for data science with Pablo

Published by Isaiah Akorita

A Pharmacist with interests in a variety of subjects, especially human behaviour. I'm more curious than outraged by anything.

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